Препарат уриказы с пониженной иммуногенностью и улучшенными свойствами

Новые технологические подходы к созданию препарата уриказы с низкой иммуногенностью и улучшенными терапевтическими свойствами

У че­ло­ве­ка и выс­ших при­ма­тов от­сут­ству­ет ури­ка­за — фер­мент, окис­ля­ю­щий мо­че­вую кис­ло­ту, и как ре­зуль­тат для лю­дей ха­рак­те­рен вы­со­кий уро­вень мо­че­вой кис­ло­ты в сы­во­рот­ке. У неко­то­рых лю­дей кон­цен­тра­ция мо­че­вой кис­ло­ты по­вы­ша­ет­ся вы­ше по­ро­га рас­тво­ри­мо­сти, что при­во­дит к об­ра­зо­ва­нию кри­стал­лов со­лей мо­че­вой кис­ло­ты в су­ста­вах и раз­ви­тию остро­го вос­па­ле­ния, вы­зы­ва­ю­ще­го силь­ную боль. Это со­сто­я­ние из­вест­но, как по­даг­ра. В ле­че­нии тя­же­лой по­даг­ры для сни­же­ния уров­ня мо­че­вой кис­ло­ты в кро­ви при­ме­ня­ют инъ­ек­ции нече­ло­ве­че­ской ури­ка­зы. Krystexxa® — это пре­па­рат ги­пер­пе­ги­ли­ро­ван­ной хи­мер­ной ури­ка­зы мед­ве­жье­го па­ви­а­на, ко­то­рый при­ме­ня­ет­ся при хро­ни­че­ской ре­фрак­тер­ной по­даг­ре, В 91% слу­ча­ев вве­де­ние пре­па­ра­та со­про­вож­да­ет­ся раз­ви­ти­ем им­мун­ных ре­ак­ций, в том чис­ле ин­фу­зи­он­ных ре­ак­ций (26%) и ана­фи­лак­сии (6,5%), что огра­ни­чи­ва­ет при­ме­не­ние и эф­фек­тив­ность пре­па­ра­та. Был ис­поль­зо­ван но­вый под­ход для со­зда­ния пре­па­ра­та с улуч­шен­ны­ми свой­ства­ми: экс­прес­сия рас­тво­ри­мой фор­мы со­еди­не­ния, рас­тво­ри­мость при ней­траль­ных зна­че­ни­ях pH, вы­со­кий уро­вень экс­прес­сии у E. coli, ста­биль­ность в ши­ро­ком диа­па­зоне тем­пе­ра­тур и вы­со­кая ак­тив­ность. Для кон­стру­и­ро­ва­ния бел­ка и огра­ни­че­ния его эф­фек­тов бы­ли объ­еди­не­ны бо­лее 200 раз­лич­ных по­сле­до­ва­тель­но­стей, ко­ди­ру­ю­щих ури­ка­зы. Был най­ден один ос­нов­ной кан­ди­дат с низ­ким по­тен­ци­а­лом им­му­но­ген­но­сти в > 200 че­ло­ве­че­ских до­нор­ских об­раз­цах с раз­лич­ны­ми га­п­ло­ти­па­ми HLA. Бы­ли скон­стру­и­ро­ва­ны ци­сте­и­ны для спе­ци­фи­че­ско­го пе­ги­ли­ро­ва­ния ос­нов­ной по­сле­до­ва­тель­но­сти, и, по ре­зуль­та­там ис­сле­до­ва­ний, эф­фек­тив­ность пе­ги­ли­ро­ва­ния со­ста­ви­ла > 95%. Пе­ги­ли­ро­ван­ная ури­ка­за со­хра­ня­ет фер­мент­ную ак­тив­ность in vitro при ней­траль­ных зна­че­ни­ях рН, в че­ло­ве­че­ской сы­во­рот­ке и in vivo (у крыс и со­бак) и об­ла­да­ет уве­ли­чен­ным пе­ри­о­дом по­лу­вы­ве­де­ния. У со­бак по­сле од­но­крат­ной под­кож­ной инъ­ек­ции пре­па­ра­та уро­вень мо­че­вой кис­ло­ты в сы­во­рот­ке сни­зил­ся на 85%. Воз­мож­но, эта пе­ги­ли­ро­ван­ная неим­му­но­ген­ная ури­ка­за при­не­сет су­ще­ствен­ную поль­зу боль­ным по­дагрой.


PLoS One. 2016 Dec 21;11(12):e0167935. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0167935. eCollection 2016.
PMID: 28002433. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0167935
Andrew C. Nyborg , Chris Ward, Anna Zacco, Benoy Chacko †, Luba Grinberg, James C. Geoghegan, Ryan Bean, Michaela Wendeler, Frank Bartnik, Ellen O’Connor, Flaviu Gruia, Vidyashankara Iyer, Hui Feng, Varnika Roy, Mark Berge, Jeffrey N. Miner, David M. Wilson, Dongmei Zhou, Simone Nicholson, Clynn Wilker, Chi Y. Wu, Susan Wilson, Lutz Jermutus, Herren Wu, David A. Owen, Jane Osbourn, Steven Coats, Manuel Baca


A Therapeutic Uricase with Reduced Immunogenicity Risk and Improved Development Properties


Humans and higher primates are unique in that they lack uricase, the enzyme capable of oxidizing uric acid. As a consequence of this enzyme deficiency, humans have high serum uric acid levels. In some people, uric acid levels rise above the solubility limit resulting in crystallization in joints, acute inflammation in response to those crystals causes severe pain; a condition known as gout. Treatment for severe gout includes injection of non-human uricase to reduce serum uric acid levels. Krystexxa® is a hyper-PEGylated pig-baboon chimeric uricase indicated for chronic refractory gout that induces an immunogenic response in 91% of treated patients, including infusion reactions (26%) and anaphylaxis (6.5%). These properties limit its use and effectiveness. An innovative approach has been used to develop a therapeutic uricase with improved properties such as: soluble expression, neutral pH solubility, high E. coli expression level, thermal stability, and excellent activity. More than 200 diverse uricase sequences were aligned to guide protein engineering and reduce putative sequence liabilities. A single uricase lead candidate was identified, which showed low potential for immunogenicity in >200 human donor samples selected to represent diverse HLA haplotypes. Cysteines were engineered into the lead sequence for site specific PEGylation and studies demonstrated >95% PEGylation efficiency. PEGylated uricase retains enzymatic activity in vitro at neutral pH, in human serum and in vivo (rats and canines) and has an extended half-life. In canines, an 85% reduction in serum uric acid levels was observed with a single subcutaneous injection. This PEGylated, non-immunogenic uricase has the potential to provide meaningful benefits to patients with gout.

A Therapeutic Uricase with Reduced Immunogenicity Risk and Improved Development Properties


Fig 1. Expression of candidate uricase in Ecoli. 8 uricase sequences were expressed in Ecoliand evaluated for soluble (S) and insoluble (P) expression level.
As shown in Fig 1, most uricases were present at high level in the insoluble (P) material. The pig-baboon chimera appears to express almost entirely in the insoluble (P) fraction (Lane 9). Cytosolic soluble (S) expression was considered favorable. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0167935.g001



Fig 6. Ex vivo immunogenicity analysis.
The Epibase® assay is a human PBMC T-cell immunogenicity assay used to assess “immunogenicity risk”. In this assay, PBMC samples from 202 normal donors were used to screen the T-cell immunogenicity of a modified Arthrobacter globiformis uricase candidate relative to a negative control (buffer) and a positive control (KLH). The 202 donors were selected to represent HLA-DRB1 frequencies observed in a Caucasian population (S4 Fig). Stimulation indices (SI) values describe the ratio of proliferating CD3+CD4+ T-cell in antigen treated versus untreated wells. SI values >2 are considered positive which is supported by a p-value <0.05. A) Shows the individual SI values for negative control—0/202 donor samples (0%) responded with SI>2.0; and positive control—181/202 donors (91%) responded with a SI>2.0. B) Shows the individual SI values for negative control and modified uricase candidate—1/202 donor samples responded with a SI>2.0. C) Shows the mean stimulation index for all donor samples for buffer (SI = 1.0), KLH SI = 4.2 and modified Arthrobacter globiformis (SI = 1.03). http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0167935.g006



Fig 7. PEGylation strategy and analysis.
(A) Shows the three dimensional solvent accessible sites within the tetrameric crystal structure of Arthrobacter globiformis uricase [1]. Each uricase monomer subunit of the tetrameric enzyme is shown in a different color, and residues selected for substitution with Cys (T11, N33, S142) are shown in yellow. (B) SDS-PAGE analysis of di-PEGylated and non-PEGylated uricase suggests that the di-PEGylated material runs at a much higher molecular weight relative to the non-PEGylated material. (C) A reverse-phase chromatography analysis of the di-PEGylated material suggests that 92.6% of the material is di-PEGylated, 4.4% mono-PEGylated, 0% unreacted and 2.7% over-PEGylated. (D) Demonstrates that the activity of di-PEGylated uricase is comparable to non-PEGylated uricase. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0167935.g007

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