Взаимосвязь подагры и эректильной дисфункции: систематический обзор и метаанализ

По­вы­шен ли риск раз­ви­тия эрек­тиль­ной дис­функ­ции у па­ци­ен­тов с по­дагрой в срав­не­нии с об­щей по­пуля­ци­ей?



Це­лью на­сто­я­ще­го си­сте­ма­ти­че­ско­го об­зо­ра и ме­та­а­на­ли­за бы­ла оцен­ка воз­мож­ной свя­зи меж­ду по­дагрой и эрек­тиль­ной дис­функ­ци­ей (ЭД).


Ис­сле­до­ва­ния бы­ли ото­бра­ны пу­тем тща­тель­но­го по­ис­ка по ба­зам дан­ных EMBASE, Pubmed, CENTRAL и ISI Web of Science. По че­ты­рем элек­трон­ным ба­зам дан­ных про­во­ди­ли по­иск с да­ты на­ча­ла их за­пол­не­ния до по­след­не­го вы­пус­ка (март 2016 г.), без огра­ни­че­ния по язы­ку. Экс­пер­ты про­смат­ри­ва­ли пуб­ли­ка­ции неза­ви­си­мо и не зна­ли о ре­зуль­та­тах по­ис­ка дру­гих экс­пер­тов. Дан­ные из­вле­ка­ли в со­от­вет­ствии с за­ра­нее со­став­лен­ной фор­мой сбо­ра дан­ных. Ме­та­а­на­лиз про­во­ди­ли с по­мо­щью про­грамм­но­го обес­пе­че­ния RevMan 5.3.


Бы­ло ото­бра­но пять ис­сле­до­ва­ний, в ко­то­рых участ­во­ва­ли в со­во­куп­но­сти 56 465 па­ци­ен­тов (сред­ний воз­раст = 49,11 лет) с по­дагрой и 155 636 па­ци­ен­тов без по­даг­ры (сред­ний воз­раст = 48,76 лет). Объ­еди­нен­ные нескор­рек­ти­ро­ван­ные от­но­ше­ния шан­сов (ОШ) по­ка­за­ли, что у боль­ных по­дагрой ди­а­гноз ЭД был в 1,44 ра­за бо­лее ве­ро­я­тен, чем в кон­троль­ной груп­пе (95% до­ве­ри­тель­ный ин­тер­вал (ДИ): 1,02–1,72). По­вы­шен­ный риск ЭД со­хра­нял­ся и по­сле вне­се­ния по­пра­вок на воз­раст и на­ли­чие со­пут­ству­ю­щих за­боле­ва­ний (1,18; 95% ДИ: 1,02–1,38). Ана­лиз в под­груп­пах по воз­рас­ту по­ка­зал ста­ти­сти­че­ски зна­чи­мую связь по­даг­ры с ЭД во всех воз­раст­ных груп­пах. Од­на­ко име­лось недо­ста­точ­но дан­ных о при­чин­но-след­ствен­ной свя­зи по­даг­ры и ЭД.


Дан­ный об­зор по­ка­зал по­ло­жи­тель­ную связь по­даг­ры с ЭД, но этот вы­вод в неко­то­рой сте­пе­ни неод­но­зна­чен из-за ге­те­ро­ген­но­сти вы­бран­ных ис­сле­до­ва­ний. В на­сто­я­щее вре­мя тре­бу­ют­ся но­вые ис­сле­до­ва­ния на боль­ших од­но­род­ных по­пуля­ци­ях, и ран­до­ми­зи­ро­ван­ные кон­тро­ли­ру­е­мые ис­сле­до­ва­ния, на­це­лен­ные на оцен­ку вли­я­ния ле­че­ния по­даг­ры на по­ка­за­те­ли, ха­рак­те­ри­зу­ю­щие ЭД.

PLOS one


Xing-li Du,#1 Lei Liu,#2 Wen Song,3 Xiang Zhou,4 and  Zheng-tao Lv5,*
PLoS One. 2016 Dec 30;11(12)

PMC: 5201298
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0168784


Association between Gout and Erectile Dysfunction: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.



The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to assess the possible association between gout and erectile dysfunction (ED).


Studies were identified by extensively searching EMBASE, Pubmed, CENTRAL and ISI Web of Science. Four electronic databases were searched from their inception date to the latest issue (March 2016), without language restriction. Each reviewer screened articles independently and was blinded to the findings of the other reviewer. Data was extracted in adherence to the predetermined data collection form and meta-analysis was conducted via RevMan 5.3.


Five studies involving 56465 patients (mean age: 49.11 years) with gout and 155636 non-gout subjects (mean age: 48.76 years) were selected. The combination of unadjusted odds ratio (OR) showed that patients with gout were 1.44 times more likely to be diagnosed with ED when compared with control (95% confidence interval (95%CI) 1.20, 1.72). After adjustment for age and comorbidities, the heightened risk to develop ED was still present (1.18, 95%CI 1.02, 1.38). Subgroup-analysis by age showed statistically significant association of gout and ED in all age groups. However, evidence supporting a causal effect of gout on ED was insufficient.


The findings of this review indicated a positive association of gout and ED, but this work is hampered by the heterogeneity among included studies, to some extent. Future studies with larger community-based homogeneous population and randomized controlled trials aimed to evaluate the effect of gout treatment on ED associated outcomes are needed at this point.

Full text

Flowchart of literature selection according to PRISMA guideline.

Table 1
Characteristics of included studies.

Study Population (ED/total) Gout assessment ED assessment Adjustment for covariates Follow-up Results
• Chen, 2015
• Cohort study
• Taiwan
• Goat: 186/19368, 47.2±12 years
• non-goat: 558/77472,
47.2±12 years
• ICD-9-CM Code 274
• Diagnosed by physicians
• ICD-9-CM Code 607.84
• identified by the urologists or physicians of internal or family medicine based on the patient’s medical record, recent symptoms, scores of the SHIM questionnaire, physical examination, and laboratory studies
age, congestive heart disease, ischemic heart disease, hypertension, depression and chronic renal failure from January 2002 to December 201 • AOR: 1.21 (1.03, 1.44)
• COR: 1.35 (1.14, 1.59)
• Hsu, 2015
• cohort study
• Taiwan
• Gout: 476/35265, 49.6±16.2 years;
• non-gout: 634/70529, 49.1±16.5 years
• ICD-9-CM code 274 PED or OED (ICD-9-CM codes 302.72 and 607.84) age and coronary artery disease, peripheral arterial disease, chronic kidney disease, hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, depression and anxiety • gout: 7.44±3.20 years
• non-gout: 7.68±3.09 years
• AOR: 1.21 (1.07, 1.37)
• COR: 1.46 (1.29, 1.64)
• Maynard, 2010
• cohort study
• Gout: 102/256, 68.7±11.3 years;
• non-gout: 677/2349, 65.0 ±12.3 years
health professional diagnosis of gout health professional diagnosis of ED age, hypertension, obesity and diabetes N.R. • AOR: 1.15 (0.85, 1.53)
• COR: 1.64 (1.25, 2.13)
• Roddy, 2012
• cross-sectional study
• UK
• Gout: 116/1292, 59.9 years;
• non-gout: 429/5168, 59.9 years
identified via Read codes identified via Read codes ischemic heart disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and prescription of diuretics, anti-hypertensives, H2 antagonists and anti-depressants N.R. • AOR: 0.97 (0.78, 1.22)
• COR: 1.09 (0.88, 1.35)
• Schlesinger, 2015
• cross-sectional study
• Gout: 63/83, 56.67±14.29 years;
• non-gout: 60/118, 53.52±13.70 years
Reassessed retrospectively by investigating the medical reports SHIM score: absent (22–25), mild (17–21), mild to moderate (12–16), moderate (8–11), and severe (1–7) age, depression, diabetes, fasting glucose, HTN, elevated cholesterol level, prostate disease, GFR, and heart disease N.R. • AOR: 2.92 (1.41, 6.06)
• COR: 3.04 (1.64, 5.66)

ED: erectile dysfunction; OED: organic erectile dysfunction; PED: psychogenic erectile dysfunction; COR: crude odds ratio; AOR: adjusted odds ratio; 95%CI: 95% confidence interval; HTN: hypertension; GFR: glomerular filtration rate; N.R.: not reported.


Table 2
Risk of bias assessment of cohort studies.

Item/Study Chen et al., 2015 Hsu et al., 2015
    1) Representativeness of the exposed cohort * *
    2) Selection of the non-exposed cohort * *
    3) Ascertainment of exposure * *
    4) Demonstration that outcome of interest was not present at start of study * *
    1) Comparability of cohorts on the basis of the design or analysis ** **
    1) Assessment of outcome * *
    2) Was follow-up long enough for outcomes to occur * *
    3) Adequacy of follow up of cohorts * *
Total score 9/9 9/9

A study could be awarded a maximum of one star (*) for each item within the selection. A maximum of two stars (**) can be given for comparability and selection. The definition/explanation of each column of the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale is available from (http://www.ohri.ca/programs/clinical_epidemiology/oxford.asp.).

Table 3
Risk of bias assessment of cross-sectional studies.

Item/Study Schlesinger et al., 2015
Yes No Unclear
1) Define the source of information (survey, record review)
2) List inclusion and exclusion criteria for exposed and unexposed subjects (cases and controls) or refer to previous publications
3) Indicate time period used for identifying patients
4) Indicate whether or not subjects were consecutive if not population-based
5) Indicate if evaluators of subjective components of study were masked to other aspects of the status of the participants
6) Describe any assessments undertaken for quality assurance purposes (e.g., test/retest of primary outcome measurements)
7) Explain any patient exclusions from analysis
8) Describe how confounding was assessed and/or controlled
9) If applicable, explain how missing data were handled in the analysis
10) Summarize patient response rates and completeness of data collection
11) Clarify what follow-up, if any, was expected and the percentage of patients for which incomplete data or follow-up was obtained

The definition/explanation of each column of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is available from (http://www.ahrq.gov/research/findings).


Forest plot of gout and ED: unadjusted OR.



Forest plot of gout and ED: adjusted OR.


Subgroup-analysis based on age.


Subgroup-analysis based on study location (Asian/non-Asian).


Subgroup-analysis based on study-design.


Sensitivity analysis.

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